Hi there, been keeping watch on your trip, looks like you have reached Durban, not sure when you are leaving for home, but wanted to comment before you leave. We will really miss following your trip, it has been an amazing trip. All the best, and can imagine the dust in your van, yuk, love Elaine and Rex
Thanks Elain & Rex. We will have to plan another trip to keep your interest up. Van goes on ship on 12th, we fly home on 14th. Take care Love Gary & Joan
Hi there, been keeping watch on your trip, looks like you have reached Durban, not sure when you are leaving for home, but wanted to comment before you leave. We will really miss following your trip, it has been an amazing trip.
All the best, and can imagine the dust in your van, yuk, love Elaine and Rex
Thanks Elain & Rex. We will have to plan another trip to keep your interest up.
Van goes on ship on 12th, we fly home on 14th.
Take care
Love Gary & Joan
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